National Expert Advisory Panel

Palliative Care Australia continually strives to receive input from experts to advise our strategic and policy work.

The PCA Board has convened a range of experts from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to form a National Expert Advisory Panel (NEAP).

PCA draws on the expertise of NEAP members for advice and input on issues affecting palliative care. They are also consulted for input on submissions and policy proposals. The range of expertise on the Panel ensures PCA’s policy responses are robust and comprehensive.

This process is in addition to our on-going consultation with our Members Organisations and representatives on the PCA register of consumers and carers.

This helps ensure our advocacy and responses to issues capture a wide breadth of knowledge and experience, all to work towards the PCA’s vision of quality palliative care for all who need it.

The current membership of NEAP is as follows:

  • Mr Andrew Allsop, Director Clinical Operations, Palliative Care, WA at Silver Chain Group
  • Professor Kirsten Auret, University of Western Australia
  • Ms Renae Beardmore, Managing Director, Evohealth
  • Professor Irene Blackberry, Professor, John Richards Chair and Director of Care Economy Research Institute
  • Dr Pippa Blackburn, Palliative Care Clinical Services Manager, ISLHD & Chair and Co-Founder, Palliative Care Social Work Australia
  • Professor Rosemary Calder, Professor, Health Policy, Victoria University
  • Dr Will Cairns, Consultant Emeritus Palliative Medicine, Townsville University Hospital and Associate Professor, James Cook University
  • Mr Daniel Coase
  • Mr Mark Cockayne, Executive General Manager Commissioned Services, WA Primary Health Alliance – WAPHA
  • Dr Andrea Grindrod, Director, Public Health Palliative Care Unit, La Trobe University
  • Mr Chris Hall, CEO, Grief Australia
  • Dr Cheryl Holmes, CEO, Spiritual Health Association
  • Associate Professor Moira O’Connor, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University
  • Dr Lisa Miller, Medical Adviser, WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network
  • Dr Andrew Montague, Director of Communities, Uniting NSW/ACT
  • Dr Deirdre Morgan, Associate Professor, Flinders University
  • Ms Donna Murray, CEO, Indigenous Allied Health Australia, MAICD
  • Professor Deb Parker, Professor of Nursing Aged Care (Dementia), University of Technology Sydney
  • Dr Greg Parker, Co-Director, Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative
  • Dr Peter Poon, Palliative Care Physician and Director of Supportive and Palliative Care, Monash Health
  • Dr Linda Sheahan, Palliative Care Physician and Clinical Ethics Consultant, South East Area Health Service, NSW Health
  • Professor Jennifer Tieman, Professor and Director of the Research Centre in Palliative Care, Death and Dying
  • Professor Julian Trollor, Director, National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health Director
  • Professor Leeroy William, Adjunct Clinical Professor, Eastern Health Clinical School
  • Professor Ben White, Professor of End-of-Life Law and Regulation, Queensland University of Technology
  • Professor Lindy Willmott, international expert in end-of-life law, Queensland University of Technology
  • Dr Claudia Virdun, Senior Lecturer – Palliative and End of Life Care, Flinders University
  • Professor Patsy Yates, Executive Dean, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology