Welcome to 2023, a year for reform and coming together
Welcome to 2023, a year for reform and coming together
Wednesday, February 01, 2023
2023 is shaping up to be a year of interesting opportunities for health reform.
In these busy times, we are all mindful that the palliative care workforce is stretched, and that maintaining a work/life balance is even more critical. The work our sector does takes us above and beyond every day; it’s really hard to just move forward and leave behind the emotional and physical load that comes with caring for people and families at such a critical time of life.
It’s an old philosophy but so true; ‘caring for yourself means you can better care for others’. PCA has developed some great self-care tools and ideas to help you and our friends at ELDAC (End of Life Direction for Aged Care) invite you to their online ‘Self-Care Room’.
Explore the resources and see what suits you.
We recognise that the health systems we operate in are under pressure. We are seeing governments move to try and address that pressure, but so much more needs to be done. As our sector’s peak body, we continue to work with the Commonwealth Government while our members advocate at a local and state level.
Our May 2023 Federal Budget Submission was lodged with Treasury last week. Our funding priorities come from the 2022 – 2027 Palliative Care Australia Roadmap and include addressing workforce shortages, up skilling aged care staff, negotiating a new National Palliative Care Funding Agreement, and ensuing equitable access for high needs groups.
We all know that greater investment in palliative care saves money in the wider health system, for example for every $1 dollar investment in palliative care in hospitals, the return on investment is between $1.36 and $2.13.
Please explore our May 2023 Federal Budget Submission and feel free to share it with your networks and add your voice to our advocacy.
Some of the other projects we are focussed on include National Palliative Care Week, which will run between May 21 and 27. Our focus this year is on the workforce with the theme ‘People, at the heart of quality palliative care’, keep an eye on PCA platforms for more soon.
And make sure you save the date for the 2023 Oceanic Palliative Care Conference in Sydney, 13 to 15 September. Registrations and abstract submissions will open very soon. Get involved!
Thank you for what you do and your support for PCA.
Camilla Rowland
CEO, Palliative Care Australia
Wednesday, 1 February 2023