May 2023 Budget Submission

People living with a life-limiting illness deserve high quality care. Patients and their families, carers and loved ones want to know that high quality palliative care will be available when and where they need it.
Investment in palliative care means people can live well until their death, with optimal management of symptoms, support and care in the place of their choice. People living with a life-limiting illness who receive palliative care, compared with those who do not, have fewer hospitalisations, shorter hospital stays, reduced use of Intensive Care Units and fewer visits to Emergency Departments.
Investing in palliative care improves the lives of those with life‑limiting illness as well as improving the efficiency of the health system:
- PCA is advocating for significant investment in palliative care services and the workforce in the 2023/24 Federal Budget to ensure that care services are available for all Australians into the future.
- PCA is also seeking investment in the capability of Registered Nurses employed in residential aged care, to provide palliative care to a greatly underserviced population.
- PCA is asking for reinstatement of its core funding as the national peak body for palliative care in Australia.
Please take the time to review our submission to Treasury, delivered in late January 2023, and share it with your network:
Palliative Care Australia 2023-24 Budget Submission - Full Version
You can also support our advocacy by subscribing to our newsletter or by making a donation.
Thanks for your interest and support, together we make a difference.
1 February 2023