Palliative care now a core requirement of key aged care training

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Palliative care now a core requirement of key aged care training

The addition of palliative care skills as a core requirement of aged care training is a welcome step that will strengthen the workforce and deliver better care to vulnerable Australians.

“With over a third of all deaths in Australia each year occurring in residential aged care, it is essential that staff working in aged care are suitably trained in palliative care,” says Camilla Rowland, Chief Executive Officer of Palliative Care Australia (PCA).

“Many of the people working in aged care have a Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) and Certificate IV in Ageing Support, but until now the delivery of palliative care was not a core part of the education provided.

“PCA and our members have advocated for the inclusion of palliative care in this course for some time, these are essential skills for care staff as they walk with people and families through their health journey towards the end of life. It is heartening to see that our recommendations have been actioned by Skills IQ and the Australian Government.

“The inclusion of palliative care in these qualifications supports the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

“Twelve of the commissioners’ recommendations point to the need for palliative care to become an embedded practise within aged care and palliative care training is central to making that happen,” Ms Rowland says.

“Research demonstrates that only 1 in 50 people in residential aged care have received palliative care, this change in training starts to address that failing in our system, and will add to people’s quality of life.

“Crucially, as the demand for in-home care increases, staff delivering that care in someone’s home will also undertake this training, which will provide families with additional assurance that their loved one is being cared for appropriately.

“A team approach is central to quality palliative care; aged care staff will now be able to make a bigger contribution to that team which is great recognition for the role they play.

“PCA looks forward to working with the Australian Government and the aged care sector on our shared commitment to deliver better aged care and strengthen all our health care systems," Ms Rowland says.

PCA’s May Budget Submission presents the Government with a number of costed initiatives that need and deserve funding as part of wider health reform involving aged care, disabilities, Medicare, and primary care.

Wednesday, 8 March 2023