

Palliative Care Australia Board

  • Professor Meera Agar

    Board Chair

  • Dr Peter David Allcroft

    Senior Staff Specialist, Southern Adelaide Palliative Services and Clinical Lead - State Palliative Care Network

  • Alec Wagstaff

    Strategy & Communications Professional

  • Sunny Traverse

    Director of Residential Services, Bene Aged Care and Lecturer & Tutor in Applied Science, Flinders University

  • Simon Waring

    Lived Experience Voice, Communications & Marketing Professional

  • Rachel Coghlan

    Researcher, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership, Deakin University, and Palliative Care Physiotherapist

  • Vlad Aleksandric

    Health & Community Services Planning Professional

  • Dr Simon Menelaws

    Lived Experience Voice, General Practitioner, Ochre Health

  • Janelle Reid

    Senior Lawyer

Nominations open for PCA Board Directors

At the 2024 Palliative Care Australia Limited (PCA) Annual General Meeting on Thursday 17 October 2024, an election will be conducted for 1 vacant position on the PCA Board.

This voluntary position offers the opportunity to contribute to the objectives of a dynamic peak national health organisation, being exposed to new and different issues, working in a collaborative and challenging environment, representing PCA and sharing in the achievements of PCA.

To be an effective organisation, PCA requires Board Directors who can bring to the governance of PCA a mix of skills and experience. So if you want to use your skills and expertise to make an impact in the palliative care sector, we want to hear from you! Find out more about the position and submit your nomination:

PCA Ltd Board Nomination Form 2024

Past President and Chairs of PCA

PCA launched in 1998, developing from the Australian Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Inc which started in 1991.

Click here for a list of Past Presidents and Chairs of Palliative Care Australia, 1991 – 2022