2024 Federal Budget Submission - investment proposals for better access to palliative care now and in the future

Palliative Care Australia’s 2024 Federal Budget Submission centres on practical proposals to improve care at home for people under and over 65 years with life-limiting illnessesEvery dollar invested in palliative care at home delivers a 100% return on investment.

People with life-limiting illnesses who receive palliative care at home have fewer hospital admissions, shorter stays in hospital when admitted, spend less time in emergency departments and intensive care units, and use ambulance services less frequently. People receiving care at home:

  • Visit an emergency department between two and 12% less in their last year of life (when compared with people with life-limiting illness who don’t receive care at home).
  • Have reduced days in hospital during their last year of life, of between 4.5 and 7.5 days.
  • Are twice as likely to die at home, where 70% of Australians say they wish to die

The actions and investments proposed in this submission are the result of consultations with our member organisations in every state and territory and the wider palliative care community.

Below you will find a two-page summary of our three priorities for the 2024 Federal Budget as well as our full submission with a range of additional proposals our sector is supporting. These investments deepen and extend ongoing reforms in the health, aged care, cancer and disability sectors, while being mindful of current economic headwinds.

Life-limiting illnesses like dementia, heart disease, and cancer are the leading causes of death in Australia. When asked, most Australians say they would prefer to spend their final months and weeks at home. That is currently out for reach for most. Our 2024 Federal Budget Submission seeks to make it possible for many more people and limit the ripple effects being felt across our community now by limited or restricted access to care at home.

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2024 Federal Budget Submission - 2 page summary.pdf 2024 Federal Budget Submission - full submission.pdf