In-Home Aged Care Program

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In-Home Aged Care Program

In this submission Palliative Care Australia expresses support for the development of a new In-Home Aged Care Program that assists with reducing palliative care-related hospitalisations. PCA recommends that the In-Home Aged Care Program specifically identifies and incorporates palliative care and includes clear mechanisms to support palliative care needs. PCA also recommends that all elements of the new In-Home Aged Care Program are consistent with the PCA National Palliative Care Standards. PCA suggests that it may also be useful to consider these Standards in the context of developing key performance or quality indicators for providers (including Care Partners or similar) of in-home aged care.

PCA advocates for the inclusion of allied health in the In-Home Aged Care program as part of the multi-disciplinary palliative care approach. Consistent with a multi-disciplinary approach to palliative care, PCA recommends the design of the In-Home Aged Care program allows for:

  • Rapid and responsive referral to specialist palliative care services, where appropriate.
  • A central role for primary care in meeting the bulk of less complex (and less expensive) clinical palliative care needs.
  • A broad range of appropriate allied health services to complement clinical care.

PCA endorses an In-Home Aged Care Program that ensures continuity of care across all settings, so that all people, but in particular, vulnerable and diverse groups and those with rapidly changing needs, can receive seamless continuity of care between different health settings, including skilled discharge planning and in accordance with the PCA National Palliative Care Standards. PCA also advocates that the In-Home Aged Care Program should explicitly provide for the provision of respite care, including both in-home respite and centre-based/overnight care, for those with palliative care needs.

In this submission PCA advocates that all aged care staff undertake palliative care and dementia training and have a practical understanding of the PCA National Palliative Care Standards to support the delivery of the In-Home Aged Care Program. PCA encourages incorporation of a review period for the new In-Home Aged Care Program, including consideration of whether the needs of all those requiring palliative care are being met and supported.

New In-Home Aged Care Program


22 December 2022