Sharing Sam’s end-of-life story to help others…
Sharing Sam’s end-of-life story to help others…
by Natalie Peck
Monday, August 26, 2019
Back in 2017 Lorna Hurst shared her very personal story with Palliative Matters about her son Sam’s bowel cancer diagnosis, treatment and death at just 17 years-of-age.
Lorna has now generously agreed her to share her perspective as a special guest speaker at the 2019 Oceanic Palliative Care Conference in Perth next month. She will be interviewed by our 19OPCC MC Diana Darmody as part of the Lived Experience session Choosing quality over quantity: Sam's end-of-life story on Thursday 10 September at 4pm.
In 2009, after nine months of intensive chemotherapy, 17 year old Sam Hurst decided (with the support of his family) to forgo palliative chemotherapy, and instead spent his final months at home in Perth surrounded by the people and things that he loved most. In this time Sam bought a car and passed his driving test; read all his beloved Harry Potter books one more time; attended his Year 12 graduation ball and even travelled to Ontario Canada to watch a hockey match between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the New York Giants!
“Whilst acknowledging that some patients may choose palliative chemotherapy, the ‘normal’ time Sam spent at home in his last four months gave our family the opportunity to make the memories we hold in our hearts today, and in some way it has helped us to reconcile the loss of our beautiful, spirited boy,” said Lorna.
Since 2011, Lorna has worked in end-of-life and palliative care policy development in the WA Health Department, where she is passionate about using her personal and professional knowledge to help drive quality end of life options for all Western Australians.
You can read Lorna’s moving story about her beloved son Sam here Mum celebrates her son’s life while remembering his death
The inaugural Oceanic Palliative Care Conference will be held in Perth from 10 - 13 September.
Full conference, Day Only and discounted Student/Carer/Volunteer registrations still available - register now