11 point plan to resolve shortages of palliative care medicines

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11 point plan to resolve shortages of palliative care medicines

Growing shortages of essential palliative care medicines in Australia are having a devastating impact on patients, especially those nearing the end of life.

The following organisations have developed and are fully supportive of this 11 point plan which is designed to significantly improve and help resolve the negative impact that shortages and discontinuations of palliative care medicines are currently having:

  1. Palliative Care Australia
  2. Australia New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine
  3. Advanced Pharmacy Australia
  4. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
  5. Palliative Care Nurses Australia
  6. Pain Australia
  7. Aged and Community Care Providers Association

This 11 point plan is also a central pillar to PCA's 2025 Federal Election Platform that seeks 'better access to palliative care' for all Australians who need it, wherever they are.

View, download and share:

11 point plan to resolve medicine shortages

If you support ‘better access to palliative care’ we urge you to sign our petition, share your story, support our plan, check our campaign web page HERE.