Information gaps in Australia's palliative care

Information gaps in Australia's palliative care: Reporting of activity and expenditure.
Palliative Care Australia and KPMG
In 2020 PCA commissioned KPMG to undertake an investigation of the economic value of palliative care and make recommendations to help address Australia’s future palliative care needs. More information on the Investing to Save: The economics of increased investment in palliative care in Australia report is available here.
To better fund and plan for palliative care, it is important to understand current activity and expenditure across Australia, including any gaps or overlaps. PCA has now commissioned KPMG to produce a follow-up report Information gaps in Australia’s palliative care. In this report KPMG explored the existing evidence on palliative care funding and provision and consulted key stakeholders in palliative care to better understand the key issues and complexities in reporting palliative care. KPMG found that across all funders and settings there are gaps that limit health service planning, investment, and the delivery of person-centred palliative care. Further information and recommendations are available in the report below.
This report was commissioned with the assistance of the Snow Foundation.
Information gaps in Australia's palliative care final report - November 2021