Luisa Tiatuha
Luisa Tiatuha
My lived experience as a palliative carer has taken place over the past 37 years. Spanning across all ages, toddlers to elderly, and including my husband’s battle with Stage 4 small cell carcinoma cancer.
I have been involved with some very supportive palliative care services but unfortunately I also witnessed palliative care that was less than desirable. Hence my motivation and commitment to be part of change within palliative care. For over 23 years I had been an advocate for mental health, addiction and recovery.
I currently sit on the Adolescent and Extended Treatment Consumer and Recruitment Panel QLD & recently became involved in suicide prevention. I have always tried to be proactive for change when I feel things just aren’t quite right and there’s an opportunity to be part of that change for the benefit of the community. Over the years there have been improvements within aspects of palliative care, yet there are areas that still require consideration and transformation in a holistic and therapeutic based approach that is inclusive and supportive to family and carers.
If you would like to engage Luisa or another consumer representative for your project, please complete an application form and return to or call 02 6232 0700.