Jane Marshall

Jane Marshall
I have spent most of my working life in various Health areas, both Private and Public. I began my hospital working life in 1977 as one of the first Ward Clerks at the Queen Victoria Hospital, then moved to TQEH with their early induction of Ward Clerks. I then moved to Middle Management there for eight years, involving Medical Records, Wards, Outpatients, Emergency, Admissions.
I was an Outreach Volunteer for ten years, in the then, Central Adelaide Palliative Care Team, working within Mary Potter Hospice. I then completed a Graduate Certificate in Bereavement and Palliative Care Counselling at the University of Adelaide in 1998. I spent three years as a Full-Time Chaplain to Adelaide and Country Prisons.
I was twelve years as one the of the Full Time Pastoral and Spiritual Care Practitioners at RAH, and Hampstead Rehab Centre, specializing in the Acute, Cancer, Brain Injury, Palliative Care patients, and families. During my years as a Full-Time Pastoral Care Spiritual Care Practitioner, I was a member of the Palliative Care Team.
I have supported many close and extended family members in their Palliative Care Journey, including my mother, and brother.
Other commitment and roles:
- HCASA Board Member (Past)
- CALHN Consumer Advisory Group (now disbanded)
- RDNS Consumer Group (past)
- Consumer CALHN End of Life Project
- Consumer/Community Rep SA Health Palliative Clinical Network
- Consumer Rep in the TQEH and RAH Emergency Department (Current)
- CALHN Comprehensive Care Group as a Consumer (Current)
If you would like to engage Jane or another consumer representative for your project, please complete an application form and return to projects@palliativecare.org.au or call 02 6232 0700.