Survey shows Australians not planning for one of life’s certainties
Survey shows Australians not planning for one of life’s certainties
Monday, May 20, 2019
Palliative Care Australia (PCA) deputy-chair Judy Hollingworth says the results of a national online survey
shows most Australians know they should plan for the end of their lives, but are putting it off.
“The survey of 1000 Australian adults commissioned for National Palliative Care Week (May 19-26) found
that 79 per cent think it is important to think and talk about their preferences for care at the end of life, but
only 25 per cent had talked to their family, and only 6 per cent had talked to a doctor,” said Ms
“We asked those people why, and the most common response was that they weren’t sick (40%), they were
too young (30%), the subject made them uncomfortable (24.5%), or they didn’t want to upset their loved
ones (21.2%).
“During National Palliative Care Week we’re challenging Australians to put those fears to the side, reflect
on what matters most to them, and start a conversation with their loved ones."
Read the full media release here