New conference scholarship program an investment in palliative care workforce

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New conference scholarship program an investment in palliative care workforce

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is delighted to launch a new scholarship program that will see over 100 scholarship recipients attend this year's virtual Oceanic Palliative Care Conference (21OPCC) in September.

The three-day biennial event is PCA's official conference and is considered the pre-eminent event for all those passionate about palliative and end-of-life care.

This year's theme Invest, Challenge, Change will focus on opportunities for the palliative care workforce to learn, grow and be inspired.

PCA CEO Camilla Rowland, says the scholarships will provide important development opportunities for people dedicated to palliative and end-of-life care who otherwise could not attend.

"I am delighted that PCA can offer the opportunity for enthusiastic individuals in the palliative care sector to attend this year's Oceanic Palliative Care Conference and wish to thank the Australian Government Department of Health for their generous support and for being a key partner with Palliative Care Australia on this valuable scholarship program," Ms Rowland said

Scholarship recipients will receive a full registration to attend all sessions at the virtual conference, offering access to peer-reviewed content, networking and connection to sector opportunities. Successful applicants will also receive 12-month access to the event post conference.

The 21OPCC continuing professional development (CPD) scholarships are offered to those from the palliative care sector, along with other health-related sectors, including; aged care and/or those working with people over 65 years of age (50 if Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander), GP’s, nurses, allied health, Indigenous health, diverse needs groups, carers and volunteers, who may not have the opportunity to support their own registration.

Ms Rowland says the 21OPCC program promises to again offer a rich and diverse range of palliative and end-of-life care content with five international guests and over 200 presentations.

"Attracting prominent academic, research and policy influencers, decision-makers, and leaders in the industry, 21OPCC will again shape the way we think about palliative care across the Oceanic region and beyond," Ms Rowland said.

21OPCC scholarship applications are open now and close on Monday, 5 July 2021.

The 21OPCC scholarships would not be possible without the significant support of the Australian Government Department of Health together with additional support from End-of-Life Essentials and additional sponsors.

The eligibility criterion for the 21OPCC scholarships can be found here.

Download PDF of Media release: New conference scholarship program an investment in palliative care workforce - 24 May 2021

Media contact: Jeremy Henderson – 0425 559 710 –