MBS telehealth items during COVID-19

As a result of our strong advocacy, PCA has received recent advice from the Australian Government Department of Health confirming that:
“Practitioners with their own suite of MBS consultation items, such as for palliative medicine, are eligible to access the temporary COVID-19 telehealth items - based on fee parity and RACP fellowship.
"This means both specialist and consultant physician practitioners who are recognised to practice in pain and palliative medicine, are able to bill consultant physician telehealth services (91824, 91825, 91826, 91834, 91835 and 91836).”
Further information about eligibility to claim can be made to Services Australia on 1800 810 586 and the Department’s MBSonline website and fact sheets.
PCA thanks the Department of Health for its responsive and prompt clarification on this issue and the ongoing support for palliative care.