Ensuring palliative care is core business for aged care - Professor Meera Agar
Ensuring palliative care is core business for aged care - Professor Meera Agar
Friday, September 25, 2020
Australia has a rapidly aging population, with projections of four million people aged between 65–84 years by 2022. More than just that; many people are living longer and are entering residential aged care with more chronic and life-limiting conditions than ever before, with many likely to require palliative care. In fact, the prevalence of highly complex needs in permanent aged care residents has increased five-fold to 53 per cent in the last decade alone.
We know that each year approximately 82,000 Australians would benefit from palliative care. That demand will be further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today Palliative Care Australia (PCA) will unveil its Palli8 plan – eight key recommendations to ensure that palliative care is recognised as core business in aged care; eight constructive solutions that acknowledge that aged care providers and their staff must be supported by appropriate systems, funding and training, if they are to provide quality palliative care.
Chief among them; calls for much needed funding to fully implement the National Palliative Care Strategy 2018, together with palliative care training for every health and aged care worker.
The Palli8 plan aims to ensure that all older Australians can access highly quality palliative care whenever and wherever they need it.