End of year message from Palliative Care Australia

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End of year message from Palliative Care Australia

PCA CEO, Camilla Rowland (second from left) in Darwin during 2023 with Dr Yousuf Zubair, Dr Christine Sanderson, and Dr Ben Middleton from Territory Palliative Care, and Kelly Anderson, NT Manager of IPEPA.

Thank you for your interest and contribution to the palliative care sector during 2023.

The Christmas break ahead is designed for rest and relaxation before launching back into work for 2024. That down time is not always readily available to those working or volunteering in palliative care.  For those still on the roster or caring for a loved one over the festive season, we acknowledge your service and recommit ourselves to supporting the skill, time, and care you bring to your role in 2024.

During 2023, we have heard your calls for greater investment in care for people with life-limiting illnesses!  With that in mind, Palliative Care Australia has been finalising our 2024 Federal Budget Submission.

This year, PCA members in every State and Territory have reported increasing numbers of people under and over 65 years with a life-limiting illness, unable to access the daily living supports they need to see out their days comfortably at home.  

Responding to that need, our Budget Submission centres on practical proposals to improve care at home.

We are aiming to meet with our Parliamentary Friends and other parliamentarians in the new year to detail our vision to grow the government’s reform agenda across the health, aged care, disability, and cancer sectors.

Death is one of the few things in life we all have in common, and increasingly as our population ages, and level of chronic diseases grows, every family and every community is having to come to terms with what that means much more deeply.

It is for this reason that our Budget Submission is relevant to all Australians. A broad overview of our advice to government can be found on the PCA website with the full detail of our submission available in late January.

The PCA office will close from 23 December, reopening on 3 January. In the meantime, you'll find advice, tools, and support with 'matters of life and death' here on the PCA website.

If you would like to support our work, get involved in National Palliative Care Week, get to know our National Palliative Care Projects, or subscribe to our fortnightly eNews.

I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and happy new year.

Camilla Rowland

Chief Executive Officer

Palliative Care Australia