19OPCC keynote speakers to highlight palliative care challenges and opportunities

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19OPCC keynote speakers to highlight palliative care challenges and opportunities

The Oceanic Palliative Care Conference (19OPCC) will shine a light on human rights and inequality issues in palliative care; exploring solutions through technology, cross-cultural collaboration and clinical innovation.

Held at the Perth Convention Centre from 10 – 13 September with more than 930 people registered to attend, the 19OPCC program will be driven by a world-class line-up of national and international keynote speakers, who will be available for media interviews.

Under the theme Universal Access: Oceans of Opportunities the conference will explore palliative care as a human right and focus on what can be done in Australia and across the Pacific region to ensure universal access to palliative care for all those who need it.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) lists palliative care as a human right to health but currently worldwide only 14% of people of people who need palliative care receive it.

“Palliative care should be available to everyone, regardless of their location, age, income, diagnosis, prognosis, gender, sexual orientation, social background or cultural origin – and we know that there are many people who are missing out, ” said Palliative Care Australia CEO, Mr Rohan Greenland.

“At 19OPCC we will have an exceptional line-up of speakers sharing their expertise and critical thinking to help collectively drive solutions to ensure all people can have their pain and other symptoms managed at the end of life.” The 19OPCC keynote speakers will be available for media opportunities and include:

Dr Christian Ntizimira is an international palliative care and human rights advocate whose career has been shaped by his experiences growing up in post- genocide Rwanda. Dr Ntizimira pioneered palliative care practices and service delivery in Rwanda, and is passionate about the vital role that “culture, beliefs and local context values” plays in patient treatment.

Prof Fran Baum AO (Flinders University) has forged a successful career as a highly respected academic and public health researcher. She is an authoritative voice on the topic of health inequality and social exclusion in the Australian health care sector and her keynote address “Social Determinants” will cut right to the heart of who is missing out on palliative care and other health services in Australia and why.

Briony Lyle is the wife of the late Australian Golf champ Jarrod Lyle and she will share her lived experience of caring for Jarrod in his final months, alongside his Aunt Kerrie Fitzpatrick, an experienced palliative care nurse. Briony is passionate about the need to have open and honest conversations about dying and support caregivers.

Dr Jordan Nguyen, Australian Futurist, Engineer and disability advocate will examine how evolving technology can enhance the future of health care. He will delve into the new era of technology, including avatar technology and design to help those with life limiting illness record memories and experiences to enhance connections with family and health providers.

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