Thurs@3 S1E9 – Life, Death and Music
Thurs@3 S1E9 – Life, Death and Music

With over forty years’ experience in nursing our guest today, Rose Sexton has seen a thing or two! Her passion for palliative and end of life care emerged early, with active interest in Oncology nursing.
She completed post graduate studies in palliative care in 2011 and currently works for Northeast Health in Wangaratta, Victoria, in community palliative care.
Alongside these health-related passions, she is, at heart, a musician and actress. With Salvation Jane, the four-piece acapella group she founded over 30 years ago, she happily sings about dying and going to heaven! Salvation Jane will play at the National Folk Festival in Canberra over Easter.
Rose has also had personal experience in caring for her husband through his end-of-life journey in 2019.
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