Thurs@3 S1E7 – Making memories last

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Thurs@3 S1E7 – Making memories last

In this episode we drop in on regional NSW and the central west town of Orange, where one family’s experience with serious illness has led to a new online business that helps families gather and store memories, plan funeral arrangements and leave a final message for loved ones.

Bec McLaurin’s professional background is in HR but time with her kids and an experience with family illness has led to ‘

Bec believes making a plan for the end of life, discussing funeral arrangements, and even leaving a message for loved ones is the work of now – the work of the living, and established MyFarvel to help families do just that.

Bec’s website is one of a range of tools that support end of life conversations and planning, but her families experience highlights the joy and strength that can come from what might a confronting process at first.

Click play to join the conversation. Listen on Spotify.
