Thurs@3 S1E6 – A palliative perspective on aged care

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Thurs@3 S1E6 – A palliative perspective on aged care

In this episode we meet Sallie Fredericks, a Registered Nurse who has worked in palliative care in the Illawarra region of NSW for over thirty years. For the last 10 years Sallie has worked exclusively in aged care as a Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Consultant and is currently a Nurse Educator for a local aged care service.

“I work with amazing people, it actually makes me emotional to think about the people I work with every day, they are such an amazing, resilient group of people,” Sallie says.

Click play to hear more from Sallie as she talks about the need to make palliative care an embedded practise in aged care, the need for palliative care training for nurses, doctors and allied health professionals, and her reflections on what death has taught her about life.

Listen to the episode on Spotify.
