PCA Connect - Embracing Inclusion: Providing Supportive Palliative Care for LGBTIQ+ Communities

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PCA Connect - Embracing Inclusion: Providing Supportive Palliative Care for LGBTIQ+ Communities

Palliative Care Australia welcomes you to another PCA Connect webinar – ‘Embracing Inclusion: Providing Supportive Palliative Care for LGBTIQ+ Communities’.

On Wednesday 15 November 2023, PCA and our friends at LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted a powerful conversation.

Missed it? Register and watch it now:

The conversation shed light on providing patient-centred and culturally sensitive palliative care for the LGBTIQ+ communities.

Using a scenario-based example, we examined the unique challenges and barriers faced by the LGBTIQ+ communities when seeking care at the end of life. Including the complexities of gender identity, sexual orientation, variations of sex characteristics and cultural diversity, and discussed how these factors impact the care that is provided.

Our expert panel of speakers shared their knowledge and insights on best practice for creating inclusive and supportive environments for LGBTIQ+ patients and their loved ones in palliative care.

Panel members

  • Jon DeLaine Nurse Unit Manager – Specialist Palliative Care Service NorthWest, Tasmanian Health Service
  • Dr Ruth McNair AM – Honorary Associate Professor at the Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne and a general practitioner/owner at an inner-Melbourne general practice.
  • Bronte Price – Marriage and funeral celebrant as well as a passionate advocate for inclusive end of life care.

Check out LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s free eLearnng modules which are designed to increase healthcare providers’ confidence in providing LGBTIQ+ inclusive palliative care.