Palliative Care Tasmania - Information Sessions

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Palliative Care Tasmania - Information Sessions

  • 24 May 2022

Palliative Care Tasmania will be hosting 3 community events throughout the week which will be held in the North, Northwest, and South of Tasmania.

The FREE two-hour community information sessions bring together specialist services who will talk to you about a range of end-of-life considerations and be on hand to answer all your questions. Speakers vary at each event but may include:

  • Council of the Ageing (Aged Care navigation and elder issues)
  • Services Australia (Centrelink issues and finances)
  • TPT Wealth (Estate planning)
  • Li-Ve Tasmania (Healthy Dying)
  • CANTEEN ( Support for young people )
  • Legal Aid ( Legal end of life issues )
  • Carers Gateway
  • & Palliative Care.

Click here for more information

Palliative Care Tasmania – Information Session