Response to the Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality And Safety Consultation Paper - Aged Care Program Redesign: Services For The Future - March 2020

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Response to the Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality And Safety Consultation Paper - Aged Care Program Redesign: Services For The Future - March 2020

This submission was prepared by PCA and builds on earlier submissions to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. It is critical that palliative care be recognised as core business for aged care. Approximately 35 percent of all Australians who die, do so in residential aged care. Therefore, staff working in aged care need to be suitably trained and equipped to work with residents who have palliative care needs. Redesign of the aged care system should support the implementation of the National Palliative Care Strategy.

PCA Response To The Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality And Safety Consultation Paper - Aged Care Program Redesign: Services For The Future