The Advance Project 

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The Advance Project 

The Advance Project® provides practical, evidence-based resources and training funded by the Australian Government and led by HammondCare in partnership with CareSearch. It is specifically designed to support frontline residential and community aged care professionals, and GPs, nurses and support staff in general practice and primary care, to implement a team-based approach to initiating advance care planning (ACP) and palliative care into everyday practice and care provision. The Advance Project comprises two toolkits and training programs:

  1. For use with people in general practice and primary care settings – The Advance Project Toolkit (General Practice)
  2. For use with people living with dementia in aged and primary care settings – The Advance Project (Dementia)

The Advance Project® resources and training programs were informed by literature reviews and extensive input and feedback from expert advisory groups, GPs, aged and primary care nurses and allied health staff, aged and primary care managers, careworkers, and consumer representatives.

Different eLearning courses explain how to use the evidence-based resources and are specifically tailored to the unique learning needs of nurses, allied health staff, managers, GPs, and careworkers, working in Australian residential and community aged care settings, and general practice and primary care settings.

In 2022, the Advance Project (Dementia) was launched for clinicians, managers, and care staff working in aged care and primary care, to provide them greater confidence, capacity, and skills in advance care planning and assessing palliative care needs of people living with different stages of dementia. The ultimate goal is to enable people living with dementia to have the opportunity to express their needs and preferences for care at the end of life, as well as better access to palliative care when required, and support for their families and carers.