Palliative care through an economic lens

Palliative Care through an economic lens
– exploring and arguing the need for greater investment
(Held) Friday, 19 March 2021
Together with the co-convenors of the Parliamentary Friends of Palliative Care Group, Senator Catryna Bilyk and the Hon Nola Marino MP, Professor Meera Agar, Chair, Palliative Care Australia (PCA) invites you to join us to discuss the importance of greater investment into palliative care.
This event examined palliative care through an economic lens, exploring the need for greater investment in palliative care as informed by the KPMG Palliative Care Economic Report – Investing to Save: the Economics of Increased Investment in Palliative Care in Australia.
With the Federal Budget soon to be released, and against the backdrop of the final recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, this event looked at what Australia needs to do now to ensure people who have a life-limiting illness receive the care they need, when and where they need it. Noting that 36 per cent of all deaths in Australia occur in residential aged care, palliative care must be funded and supported as core business in aged care.
Guest Speakers
- Jennifer Westacott AO, Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia
- Dr Chris Schilling, Director, Economics & Modelling, KPMG Australia
- Professor Rosemary Calder AM, Professor of Health Policy, Mitchell Institute
- Associate Professor Andrew Broadbent, Medical Director, Supportive and Specialist Palliative Services, Gold Coast Hospital
- Dr Elissa Campbell, Geriatrician, Palliative Medicine Specialist, President, PCWA
About the Speakers
Jennifer Westacott AO, Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia
Jennifer has served as Chief Executive of the Business Council of Australia since 2011, bringing a unique combination of extensive policy experience in both the public and private sectors. Jennifer has an unrivalled understanding of how the public and private sectors intersect and can work together to achieve the best outcomes in the national interest.
Dr Chris Schilling, Director, Economics & Modelling, KPMG Australia
Chris is an accomplished health economist with more than 15 years of experience in economic modelling and research across academia, industry and consultancy. Chris leads a growing team of health economists at KPMG providing economic evaluation and modelling to a range of government and industry clients.
Professor Rosemary Calder AM, Professor of Health Policy, Mitchell Institute
Rosemary is a leading health and social policy expert, with a background in sociology. She has worked for State and Commonwealth governments in Australia as a senior public servant in health policy and administration and, prior to joining Victoria University, was Chief of Staff to the then Victorian Minister for Health.
Associate Professor Andrew Broadbent, Medical Director, Supportive and Specialist Palliative Services, Gold Coast Hospital
Andrew has a long-term interest in developing best practice services through redesign and change. Andrew holds a Master of Health Management from the University of New South Wales and has been a Director of Palliative services for nearly 20 years in Sydney and the Gold Coast.
Dr Elissa Campbell, Geriatrician, Palliative Medicine Specialist, President, PCWA
Geriatrician, Palliative Medicine Specialist, President, PCWA. Elissa is President of Palliative Care WA and Chair of the ANZ Society of Palliative Medicine’s Special Interest Group in Palliative Care for Older People.