Productivity Commission Indirect Employment in Aged Care Issues Paper
Productivity Commission Indirect Employment in Aged Care Issues Paper
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
This submission responds to an Issues Paper from the Productivity Commission that explores indirect employment in aged care. PCA believes that in order for palliative care to be core business in aged care and to support the implementation of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s recommendations, it is essential for aged care services to be delivered by a professional, skilled and competent workforce. Care needs to be delivered by a consistent and regular workforce who can build relationships with care recipients and their families , monitor symptoms and wellbeing and are supported with training and skill development by their employer. The aged care workforce can be further supported by the professionalisation of the personal care worker role including minimum qualifications, ongoing training and a registered body to manage complaints and provide a scope of practice.
PCA submission on Indirect Employment in aged care issues paper