National Nursing Workforce Strategy – Joint Submission, Palliative Care Nurses Australia and PCA
National Nursing Workforce Strategy – Joint Submission, Palliative Care Nurses Australia and PCA
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Australia’s nursing workforce is in transition. Many senior and experienced nurses, including those working in palliative care, are approaching an age where they may choose to retire. Demographic and population health changes are driving increasing need for complex care for people with life-limiting conditions. The palliative care nursing workforce is growing, but not fast enough to meet demand.
The National Nursing Workforce Strategy is an opportunity to support the role of all nurses in palliative care. This includes in specialist palliative care; in aged care and primary care, and in acute and sub-acute settings.
In this joint submission, Palliative Care Nurses Australia and Palliative Care Australia recommend the Strategy:
- Prioritise the development of nationally consistent, recognised, pathways for nurse specialisation including in palliative care.
- Identify specific areas for nursing scope of practice reform.
- Ensure palliative care and end-of-life care are seen as core nursing competencies for all nurses.
- Be accompanied by robust Implementation and Evaluation Plans, supported by transparent resource allocation.