Medicine shortages and discontinuations: Proposed changes to reporting requirements
Medicine shortages and discontinuations: Proposed changes to reporting requirements
Thursday, January 23, 2025
This submission provides input into the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) consultation on options to reform reporting requirements for medicines in shortage or being discontinued. These reforms are aimed at increasing the time period to report supply disruptions from 6 months to 12 months.
PCA’s submission includes the 11-point plan to resolve shortages of palliative care medicines, developed by PCA and six partner organisations.
The submission provides examples where medicines sponsors have not disclosed important information about supply disruptions until they were legally required to. It calls on all stakeholders with the ability to improve information about medicines supply disruptions to think about a different approach that goes beyond mere compliance and respects the need for clinicians and patients to receive up-to-date information as and when it becomes available.
TGA Medicine shortages and discontinuations-Proposed changes to reporting requirements