Aged Care Act Rules – Service List

PCA welcomes the publication of the draft Aged Care Rules 2024, Service List. In this submission PCA identifies opportunities to ensure the services list supports integration of palliative care within aged care, as envisaged by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Among PCA’s recommendations are:
- Include advance care planning, palliative care and end of life care in the home support service list, consistent with residential aged care service list.
- Clarify the meaning of “specialist care linkages” in the home support nursing care list to ensure the full complexity of this work (likely involving clinical governance, care coordination and ongoing liaison) is recognised.
- Ensure the list reflects complex clinical services and psychosocial support that may reasonably be required by those with palliative diagnoses.
PCA notes that the Service List includes the services to be provided as part of the new Support at Home End-of-Life Care Pathway. PCA recommends independent evaluation of the Pathway one year after commencement to ensure necessary services are available; and that expected uptake, and positive impact, is achieved for older people and their families.