Annual Report 2021 - 2022

There is a great deal to reflect on in the last 12 months (July 2021 - June 2022). PCA is especially mindful of the lives lost during the COVID pandemic and acknowledge the extensive contribution of the palliative care sector.
PCA has pursued an agenda of ‘bold’ leadership seeking tangible and achievable solutions to the challenges and opportunities our sector has identified. A particular focus has been workforce issues and developing solutions that deliver quality palliative care to all who want it, wherever they are.
The health sector and Australian community more broadly find ourselves at a point in time where the need for reform is being embraced. That sense of ‘building back better’ in response to the challenges we face provides a positive focus in times of pressure and uncertainty.
Demand for palliative care is increasing, separate to the need resulting from the pandemic. KPMG estimates that demand will increase by 50% between now and 2035 and double by 2050.
Collectively, we know what needs to be done and Palliative Care Australia is a partner in that work.
Our Annual Report explores the achievements and learnings of 2021-2022 and inspires our work in the years ahead:
Or review our Annual Report 'highlights pack':