Palliative Care Australia

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Palliative Care Australia

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is the national peak body for the palliative care in Australia and leads a unified voice to strengthen our collective impact towards excellence in palliative care.

PCA activities are designed to improve access to high quality palliative and end-of-life care and increase the awareness of palliative care.  PCA consults and collaborates widely to inform the development of palliative care public policy in Australia, promoting a whole of government approach to palliative care service delivery and Australia as a world-class leader in palliative care provision.

Under the National Palliative Care Projects, PCA works across five areas of impact, including:

  1. National leadership to the health and aged care sectors and wider community including:
    • Showcasing excellence in palliative care service provision, models of care and policy considerations
    • Supporting all NPCP funded projects through facilitating regular opportunities for collaboration, advice and risk mitigation
  2. Improve access to high quality palliative care, end-of-life care and advance care planning across all care settings and support continuous quality improvement, including:
    • National Palliative Care Service Directory
    • Continuous quality improvement through Standards and Service Development Frameworks, and self-assessment programs.
    • Embedding palliative care across systems, including in primary and aged care.
  3. Inform and contribute to the development of palliative care public policy in Australia, including:
    • National Register for Palliative Care Consumers and Carers
    • National Expert Advisory Panel to support policy development
    • Responding to Government
    • Participation in the AIHW End of Life Data Working Group.
  4. Consultation and collaboration with underrepresented communities, and the wider community, on palliative care benefits, issues, and opportunities, including genuine co-design with First Nations and multicultural communities, and groups such as LGBTQI+ and homeless populations, to: 
    • Understand unmet need, cultural considerations, barriers to care, and gaps
    • Showcase inclusion and Reconciliation to the sector
  5. Promote increased awareness of palliative care, including: 
    • National Palliative Care Week
    • Maintaining resources and platforms, and integrating a NPCP Hub
    • Media campaigns to provide further public education

To access the Palliative Care Yarning Circle for First Nations perspectives and tips for your project, or to seek a rep or product review through the National Register of Palliative care Consumers and Carers please complete the form provided in TEAMS and email 

Contact:  Chelsea Menchin, National Projects Manager, Palliative Care Australia 


Phone: 02 6232 0711