Palliative Care Australia
Palliative Care Australia

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is the national peak body for the palliative care in Australia and leads a unified voice to strengthen our collective impact towards excellence in palliative care.
PCA activities are designed to improve access to high quality palliative and end-of-life care and increase the awareness of palliative care. PCA consults and collaborates widely to inform the development of palliative care public policy in Australia, promoting a whole of government approach to palliative care service delivery and Australia as a world-class leader in palliative care provision.
Under the National Palliative Care Projects, PCA works across five areas of impact, including:
- National leadership to the health and aged care sectors and wider community including:
- Showcasing excellence in palliative care service provision, models of care and policy considerations
- Supporting all NPCP funded projects through facilitating regular opportunities for collaboration, advice and risk mitigation
- Improve access to high quality palliative care, end-of-life care and advance care planning across all care settings and support continuous quality improvement, including:
- National Palliative Care Service Directory
- Continuous quality improvement through Standards and Service Development Frameworks, and self-assessment programs.
- Embedding palliative care across systems, including in primary and aged care.
- Inform and contribute to the development of palliative care public policy in Australia, including:
- National Register for Palliative Care Consumers and Carers
- National Expert Advisory Panel to support policy development
- Responding to Government
- Participation in the AIHW End of Life Data Working Group.
- Consultation and collaboration with underrepresented communities, and the wider community, on palliative care benefits, issues, and opportunities, including genuine co-design with First Nations and multicultural communities, and groups such as LGBTQI+ and homeless populations, to:
- Understand unmet need, cultural considerations, barriers to care, and gaps
- Showcase inclusion and Reconciliation to the sector
- Promote increased awareness of palliative care, including:
- National Palliative Care Week
- Maintaining resources and platforms, and integrating a NPCP Hub
- Media campaigns to provide further public education
To access the Palliative Care Yarning Circle for First Nations perspectives and tips for your project, or to seek a rep or product review through the National Register of Palliative care Consumers and Carers please complete the form provided in TEAMS and email
Contact: Chelsea Menchin, National Projects Manager, Palliative Care Australia
Phone: 02 6232 0711