LGBTIQ+ Palliative Care Project

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LGBTIQ+ Palliative Care Project

The LGBTIQ+ Palliative Care Project commenced in 2020 and is in its fourth and final year of implementation. Over the past 3 years, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia has engaged with LGBTIQ+ people with lived experience of palliative care, researchers and experts, sector stakeholders and the palliative care workforce through our advisory committee and co-design group.

LHA has led important research into the barriers and enablers to LGBTIQ+ inclusive palliative care in Australia. An extensive scoping review was completed of Australian and international literature to provide an evidence base for the project.

LHA partnered with the Australian College of Applied Professions to conduct a national survey of the palliative care workforce and LGBTIQ+ people with lived experience of palliative care. Over 850 people completed the survey and a further 11 people participated in in-depth interviews to explore the issues further. The results of this research have been presented at conferences across Australia, most recently at the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference in September 2023.

A key outcome of the project is to increase the capacity of the palliative care workforce to provide LGBTIQ+ inclusive care. LHA has partnered with Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) to develop the LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Palliative Care eLearning package.

Across four modules, participants learn about LGBTIQ+ communities and their unique health care needs, barriers to providing LGBTIQ+ inclusive palliative care, having inclusive end-of-life conversations, and how to create welcoming and inclusive environments. A national community of practice is currently being rolled out to support the palliative care workforce to implement LGBTIQ+ inclusive practices in their workplaces. The project is being independently evaluated by Southern Cross University.