National Palliative Care Standards for Specialist Palliative Care Providers 5.1 Edition (2024)

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National Palliative Care Standards for Specialist Palliative Care Providers 5.1 Edition (2024)


The National Palliative Care Standards for Specialist Palliative Care Providers 5.1 Edition (2024) is the latest update for use by specialist palliative care professionals and services. Its updates are mostly to language and context, and aim to support the sector through to 2030. The Palliative Care Self-Assessment Checklists (PaCSA) are also now available for download to support busy teams to identify and meet their quality improvement priorities.

You can also download the booklet here:

National Palliative Care Standards for Specialist Palliative Care Providers 5.1 Edition (2024)

You can access the PaCSA Checklists HERE.
