Professor Meera Agar (Board Deputy Chair)


Professor Meera Agar

Board Deputy Chair, Professor of Palliative Medicine, IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney, and practising palliative medicine physician in South West Sydney,

Professor Meera Agar (PhD FRACP, FAChPM, MPallCare, MBBS (Hons I)) is Professor of Palliative Medicine, IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney and a practising palliative medicine physician in South West Sydney, with a particular interest in the supportive care needs of people suffering from advanced illness on the brain.

Meera leads a clinical research portfolio at University of Technology Sydney, including clinical trials and health service evaluation. She led a world-first clinical trial of antipsychotics in delirium, and is leading a NSW Government-funded trial of the use of medicinal cannabis for the terminally ill.

A Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Fellow of the Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine and clinician scientist, she holds a Master of Palliative Care. Her doctorate was awarded in the area of delirium in advanced illness.

Meera’s research and teaching have won numerous awards, including an Australian Learning & Teaching Council Citation, an Australian Award for University teaching and the European Association for Palliative Care Early Career Researcher Award.