Thank you! Over 400 abstracts received for 23OPCC

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Thank you! Over 400 abstracts received for 23OPCC

We have been overwhelmed by the number of people keen to share their work and experiences with us at the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference this September in beautiful Sydney.

Thank you to all those who submitted one of the 420 plus abstracts we received!

Topics include everything from residential aged care to virtual reality, to childhood dementia, building volunteer capacity, bereavement in diverse populations, paramedics and palliative care, the use of opioids and cannabis, voluntary assisted dying, and so much more.

Countries represented include Germany, India, Ireland, Rwanda, the U.S and many more.

Pleasingly we have received over 60 submissions for the Ian Maddocks Guest Lecture which is reserved for first time speakers.

Our Abstract Review Committee have a big job ahead of them – that blind assessment process is underway now and we will be back in touch with all applicants as soon as possible.

The dynamic three-day program that emerges will showcase a range of perspectives, experiences, and insights - all critical in delivering this learning and professional development opportunity for our community at this important time of health reform.

The theme of 23OPCC; 'With the end in mind – shaping stronger health systems, delivering quality palliative care', acknowledges that our health systems are under strain, and people are experiencing burnout – 23OPCC is part of the solution!

We need you there; early bird registrations are now open and represent your cheapest way to take part.

Stay tuned for more news and updates!