Thurs@3 S2E6 – In conversation with the CEO of Cancer Australia, Professor Dorothy Keefe

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Thurs@3 S2E6 – In conversation with the CEO of Cancer Australia, Professor Dorothy Keefe

Today we meet Professor Dorothy Keefe, who has been the CEO of Cancer Australia - the Australian Government’s cancer care agency, since 2019. 

Before that, Dorothy was Professor of Cancer Medicine at the University of Adelaide and a Senior Medical Oncologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.  

In addition to her work as a medical oncologist, Dorothy is also an expert on the toxicity of cancer treatment and a tireless advocate for cancer patients and healthcare reform.

And this September in Sydney, Dorothy will be one of our presenters at the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference. 

The title of her talk is ‘The Cancer Plan and Palliative Care’. Click play to get a sneak peak and learn so much more. 

Listen to the episode on Spotify.

OPCC registrations are open now, explore the program and beat the August 18 price rise – HERE. 

You will find advice, tools, and support at the Palliative Care Australia website where you can also make a donation to support our work. 
