Thursdays@3 S3 | Ep 7: Reimagining what a funeral can be – Rebecca Lyons
Reimagining what a funeral can be – Rebecca Lyons.
Welcome to another Thursdays@3 episode! 🧡
Today’s conversation takes us to Tasmania to meet Rebecca Lyons – a mum, with a background in everything from finance to real estate but these days runs a family led home funeral service, called Solace.
Bec says she is a person who has “always had death in her life”, which might help explain her passion for “reimagining what a funeral could be.”
Press play to meet Bec Lyons 👇
Listen to the episode on Spotify.
Show notes and more info:
- Bec’s 2022 TedX Talk ‘Three steps into the heart of home funeral’
- Bec’s book, ‘A Heartfelt Undertaking’ connected to her 2019 Churchill Fellowship
- Australia's Natural Death Advocacy Network
- Australian Home Funeral Alliance