Palliative Care Australia Board
Dr Peter Allcroft
Board Chair, Senior Staff Specialist, Southern Adelaide Palliative Services and Clinical Lead, State Palliative Care Network
Professor Meera Agar
Board Deputy Chair, Professor of Palliative Medicine, IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney, and practising palliative medicine physician in South West Sydney,
Professor Meera Agar
Board Deputy Chair, Professor of Palliative Medicine, IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney, and practising palliative medicine physician in South West Sydney,
Professor Meera Agar (PhD FRACP, FAChPM, MPallCare, MBBS (Hons I)) is Professor of Palliative Medicine, IMPACCT, University of Technology Sydney and a practicing palliative medicine physician in South West Sydney, with a particular interest in the supportive care needs of people suffering from advanced illness on the brain.
Alec Wagstaff
Strategy & Communications Professional
Sunny Traverse
Director of Residential Services, Bene Aged Care and Lecturer & Tutor in Applied Science, Flinders University
Simon Waring
Lived Experience Voice, Communications & Marketing Professional
Rachel Coghlan
Researcher, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership, Deakin University, and Palliative Care Physiotherapist
Dr Simon Menelaws
Lived Experience Voice, General Practitioner, Ochre Health
Janelle Reid
Senior Lawyer
Sarah Begley
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Palliative Care Clinical Educator
Past President and Chairs of PCA
PCA launched in 1998, developing from the Australian Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Inc which started in 1991.
Click here for a list of Past Presidents and Chairs of Palliative Care Australia, 1991 – 2022