PCA Connect: Think Rare, Think Care, Think Together

Palliative Care Australia (PCA) hosted the first PCA Connect webinar – ‘Think Rare, Think Care, Think Together’. This rare disease webinar was aimed at increasing awareness of health care linked to rare diseases in paediatric palliative care.
Those who took part left with a better sense of best practise when it came to caring for children and families living with rare diseases.
Importantly, health professionals grew a better understanding of the resources, care options, and networks available to support their practise and ultimately children, young people, and their families.
- Dr Gareth Baynam – Clinical Geneticist and Medical Director, Rare Care Centre, Perth Children’s Hospital.
- Sian Gannon CNS – Clinical Nurse Specialist for education and workforce capacity building at the Rare Care Centre, Perth Children’s Hospital.
- Stephanie Broley – Senior Genetic Counsellor, Genetic Paediatric Service and Undiagnosed Diseases Program, Genetic Services WA, and Rare Care Centre, Perth Children’s Hospital.
This webinar was produced in collaboration with The Paediatric Palliative Care National Action Plan Project.
This project represents a unique opportunity to support health professionals to respond to the specialist needs of children with life-limiting conditions. The Project also addresses the needs of parents and carers seeking assistance to care for a child with high medical needs and life-limiting conditions.
The project is in collaboration with Palliative Care Australia (PCA) and Paediatric Palliative Care Australia and New Zealand (PaPCANZ), and funded by the Australian Government.
PCA Connect is a newly developed project providing health professionals a link to learning and community.